Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia Board of Directors 2017 Election results.
The Club’s Returning Officer has received four (4) nominations for two (2) positions for the 2017 Board Election.
The results are as follows, in order:
1. Q2932 Gary Rebgetz 2429 votes
2. V66245 Kim Atkinson 2342 votes
3. Q21298 Arthur Bugden 1574 votes
4. N94893 Rick Banyard 659 Votes
Informal votes 71
Total votes 3901
The Returning Officer's declaration will be posted on Monday 4 September.
On behalf of the Club members, we would like to congratulate Gary Rebgetz and Kim Atkinson on their appointment, and thank Arthur Bugden and Rick Banyard for participating in the Board Election 2017.
Page Last Updated: Sunday, 3 September 2017 1:30 am, Session: