CMCA - Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia
CMCA Members' Portal

New RV Friendly Destination

Our latest RV Friendly Destination is Coolah Sporting Club, Coolah, NSW!

Coolah is a small town in the central western part of New South Wales and the gateway to the beautiful Coolah Tops National Park. The Coolah Sporting Club is a community-based club that sponsors several local events and sports and welcomes RVs to make the most of their camping area.

The club offers parking for self-contained vehicles. Parking is only available for up to 48 hours and, as parking is free of charge, patronage of the club is encouraged. Pets on leads are also permitted at this site.

The camp site is ideally located within close walking distance of the town centre, making it easy to stock up on the essentials. The club is open every day and you can enjoy a drink or two with the locals, a flutter on the pokies or try your luck at their weekly bingo game that is held every Thursday at 12pm.

Page Last Updated: Monday, 16 July 2018 7:53 pm, Session:

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