CMCA - Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia
CMCA Members' Portal

CEO's Weekly Message

As the devastating drought continues with no end in sight, the Australian spirit has prevailed yet again with much assistance being given to rural and regional communities by everyday Australians. Donations are being made towards food and water for livestock, and grocery and cash donations are being made for farmers and their families. As an RV consumer, you can also show your support by visiting these rural townships and spending money and enjoying the wonderful hospitality of the locals. On many occasions, this can stimulate and lift the morale of a community during a time of need. There are many towns Australia wide participating in our RV Friendly Town program. If you have the opportunity, we encourage you to drop in and visit these communities and show your support during this time.

As many know, our upcoming National Rally will be held in Gunnedah, NSW. I would like to emphasise that the Gunnedah community is under no direct threat of a water shortage as their water supply comes from the Artesian basin.

Safe travelling

Page Last Updated: Saturday, 18 August 2018 1:19 am, Session:

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