It has been brought to our attention that many members have raised concerns regarding the upcoming 33rd National Rally in Gunnedah and the devastating drought that is currently affecting much of the country.
There was a television segment from Gunnedah about the plight of the farmers in the district and how the flow on from this natural disaster is now affecting the business community.
We'd like to advise our members that Gunnedah is under no direct threat of water shortage, as bores into the Great Artesian Basin supply the main water for the region.
Our upcoming rally will be of great value to the region, as our presence will inject tourist dollars into the local economy by supporting the Gunnedah business community. Our rallies bring a significant economic benefit to the region's in which they are held.
With the 33rd National Rally only weeks away, there is still have time to register. It's a great opportunity to participate in activities and seminars, meet fellow members, and support the Gunnedah community.
You can register by clicking HERE or by calling our friendly staff on 02 4978 8788.
Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 14 August 2018 10:00 am, Session: