CMCA - Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia
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CMCA Engages With Local Council

Following last year’s successful RV Futures Forum in Brisbane, CMCA has sought to engage with local councils in Queensland. Last Tuesday, director Richard Mainey made a presentation to Somerset Regional Council on all things CMCA, with a particular emphasis on seeking a suitable site for a CMCA RV Park. The Somerset region, an hour west of Brisbane, is the fastest growing local government area in south east Queensland. It includes five major towns, namely Esk, Fernvale, Lowood, Kilcoy and Toogoolwah, three of which are RVFTs (Fernvale, Lowood and Kilcoy). Negotiations are in place to make Toogoolwah an RVFT as well. Tourism is now seen as a major economic driver for the region and council is keen to embrace the RV Park concept, acknowledging the economic and social benefits that it can bring to the region.

Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 2 May 2018 12:15 am, Session:

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