I would like to take the time to acknowledge the staff at National Headquarters. We are fortunate to have 13 highly professional and dedicated staff members here to assist members. This week we celebrated our second staff member achieving 15 years of service to the Club. Our office manager Colin Thompson reached his 15 year milestone, joining our marketing officer Jodie Mazlin who has now been with the organisation for 17 years. Longevity in any business shows a sense of comfort, loyalty and overall commitment to the task at hand. We have another two staff members with over 10 years of service, with the majority nearing at least five years. If you require any assistance, our staff are always happy to assist. Feel free to give us a call on 02 4978 8788, email us at enquiries@cmca.net.au or call into the office. We always welcomes members to visit our office. Once again, congratulations to Colin on 15 years of service to CMCA.
Safe travelling
Page Last Updated: Friday, 29 March 2019 8:55 pm, Session: