CMCA - Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia
CMCA Members' Portal

CMCA's Green Initiative a Success

CMCA strongly promotes environmental sustainability, and this is evident through a number of initiatives we have implemented in the past. We have long been at the forefront of promoting environmentally responsible camping and over-nighting, encouraging our members to become self-contained through the establishment of our Self Contained Vehicle Policy, and to adopt the environmentally responsible behavioural guidelines as set out in our Leave No Trace Code of Conduct. Here at NHQ, we too have implemented practices to ensure we do our part in protecting and preserving the environment. Back in February, we had 48 solar panels installed as part of our efforts to promote environmentally friendly workplace practices. We are pleased that the Board strongly endorsed this project as recent figures have proven the installation of these panels to be a huge success. We can confirm that our quarterly account shows a significant reduction of $1074.00 in our power costs. With these sorts of figures, we look to have the unit paid for in less than four years. A big thank you to the Board for endorsing this project, as well as management and our members, for doing their part in protecting and preserving the environment.


Page Last Updated: Friday, 19 May 2017 12:12 am, Session:

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