CMCA - Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia
CMCA Members' Portal

CEO Weekly Message

As the Club prepares to celebrate our 36th birthday on Monday, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the members for making the organisation what it is today, especially all the volunteers. The first people I would like to acknowledge are our founders Erica and the late Don Whitworth, who without their vision and strength to get the Club going, we wouldn’t be here today. In 36 years, the Club has achieved an enormous amount and been assisted by so many people who have volunteered to get CMCA in the position it is in today. We are a debt free organisation who own our premises in Newcastle, which is occupied by 11 professional staff members. We have also established partnerships with all tiers of Government, along with many RV related groups and businesses, which only strengthens our growth. One thing I am particularly proud of is that the membership fee has not risen since the year 2000 when the Federal Government implemented GST. Prior to this, the first member driven rise was in 1998 when the fee went from $30 to $40 per membership. It is a terrific effort to sustain such a membership fee for 24 years.

The message I would like to convey is that we cannot rest on our successes, and we need to continue to grow, as this will create sustainability with our offerings of Member Benefits, Member Advantages, and value for money.

Happy birthday CMCA


Page Last Updated: Friday, 8 April 2022 11:41 AM, Session:

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