Would you like to assist the Club by becoming a CMCA RV Park custodian?
We're looking for members who are interested in volunteering their time to act as CMCA RV Park custodians in Ingham, QLD (times can vary).
At this stage, we are looking to reopen CMCA RV Park Ingham (QLD) on Sunday 1 April 2018, subject to weather conditions.
If you have experience as a custodian, or are interested in becoming custodians, please contact Suzanne Murray on suzannemurray@cmca.net.au to express your interest.
Ingham will remain open until approximately October 2018, so we are looking for numerous members who can cover this period (you can volunteer for as little or long as you like, or multiple times in the one season!).
Additionally, if you are interested in volunteering as custodians at our parks in Railton (TAS) or Euston (NSW), we'd like to hear from you too!
These parks are a fantastic benefit for our members, however we do rely on the assistance of members for operation and administration purposes.
Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 28 February 2018 8:44 pm, Session: