This week's message is all about the recognition of our hard working volunteers who assist our Club on a daily basis. There is no way that we could achieve the many things we do without the support of these members. Some of the key areas of the Club that rely on volunteers include the CMCA Board of Directors, state representatives and coordinators, national member services team, national rallies, state rallies, GeoWiki, CMCA Member Forum and social media moderation, chapters and chapter events, and support services (such as the Club chaplain). In addition to donating their time and resources to the Club, many members also provide volunteer support for external charities and support organisations including RFDS, McGrath Foundation, Blaze Aid and many more.
In particular, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge two members who are taking a step back from their roles within the Club, Don (OAM) and Sue Mackrill T16082. Together they have managed two rallies and volunteered at over 20 more. Don has been the state representative and coordinator (NMST) for Tasmania for the past 10 years and both are active members of the Dalrymple Drifters chapter and enjoy attending other chapters' regular outings. Don has even served as President for his home chapter. The pair have coordinated the Tasmanian combined chapter rally on many occasions and are always willing to support this event. Finally, Don received a CMCA medal acknowledging his hard work and support towards CMCA in 2017. I would like to thank Don and Sue on behalf of the Club for their many years of service.
Safe travelling
Page Last Updated: Saturday, 9 February 2019 1:15 am, Session: