CMCA - Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia
CMCA Members' Portal

AGM Attendance Information

To ensure the safety of all members and volunteers, we ask that you read and adhere to the following: 

o Please do not attend this event either staying on-site or as a day visitor if any of the following applies:

  • You are feeling unwell and/or experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms
  • You, or a household member, are still awaiting a negative result from a recent Covid-19 test
  • You are suspected of having Covid-19 or been in contact with someone who has been confirmed as, or is suspected of, having Covid-19
  • You have been in a hotspot area in the last 14 days, as declared by relevant states
  • You, or a household member, have been to a declared contract tracing location and should, or have been told to, isolate for 14 days and/or to isolate until a negative result
  • You are required to be in lockdown, quarantine or self-isolate for any reason
  • You have returned from overseas in the last 14 days.

o In line with recent Queensland government announcements – if you have been, or you have resided in the same household as a person who has been, anywhere in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Logan, Moreton Bay or any other relevant South-east Queensland Local Government Areas since the relevant date, you must adhere to all required face mask rules – this includes: 

  • Wearing a face mask at all times outdoors when you are unable to stay 1.5 metres away from people who are not from your household
  • Wearing a face mask at all times when you are indoors unless you are at your residence, or are eating or drinking whilst seated

If the above applies, you must adhere to the above until 14 clear days have passed since you were last in those areas. 

o All registered members, and any other authorised members or visitors, must scan in each and every day you are on-site via the Bundaberg Recreational Precinct QR code – these are displayed on large posters at every gate. After your initial entry and QR scan, on additional days you can also utilise the new feature to ‘re-check in’ to past locations – via the small clock-like icon in the top-right corner of the main check in app page. 

o You will need to bring your own chair for the AGM please, as well as a plate, cutlery, and coffee cup for the provided lunch. I am told drinks will be available. 

o All entry and exit to the CMCA event must be via University Drive. Please do not use Kendalls Road entry – especially for RV entry and exit. This is a request from Council. Route to follow for all entry is: 

  • Turn off Childers Road into University Drive
  • Travel along University Drive approximately 300 metres and turn right into the Bundaberg Recreational Precinct area
  • Travel 100m up and turn left through double cyclone wire gates
  • Follow the CMCA signs and directional arrows after going through a second set of double cyclone gates.

For those staying on-site at Bundaberg Recreational Precinct:

We look forward to welcoming you on-site. Please note, there is no extra water laid out - we are just using the existing provisions on-site. So please, before arriving, ensure your fresh water tanks are full and grey and black water tanks are empty. Once on-site, grey water can be released on to the ground if you have a “sock” over the end of your hose. You will be provided with a sock upon entry.

Most importantly, we do ask that you do not line up early or camp outside the gate the night before. Please do not even approach the site until on or after your allocated time. Council trucks use the same gate and need access in and out of the site - please be considerate of them. University Drive is also not wide enough to park on the side of the road either.

 Further information and camping rules will be provided on entry. However, if making any appointments or dinner reservations, please note that gates to the area will be locked at 9.30pm each night and re-opened 7.00am the following morning. Access – strictly for emergency purposes only – will be available, in and out, during locked periods.

For those arriving on Tuesday 5 October
 We do have over 100 vehicles arriving to be parked and are working with a limited crew. So please be patient. 

 o To try and avoid low queues and waiting times, we will be staggering the entry of RVs as follows: ­ 

  • 8.30am Highway Wanderer group only – open only to those who have already identified by Rob Koch as being part of the group – contact Rob if you are unsure by Monday at latest ­ 
  • 9.30am Kingfisher group only – open only to those who have already identified by Elaine Bowles as being part of the group – contact Elaine if you are unsure by Monday at latest ­ 
  • 10.30am Entry is open to all others staying on-site who pre register online before 4pm Monday 4 October ­ 
  • 1.00pm Late entry is open to anyone, including those registered after 4pm Monday 4 October, or anyone who was unable to enter before lunch.

o We thank you for your patience and understanding: ­

  • If, however, you arrive before your scheduled time, sorry, but with a low number of volunteers, you will be parked up and asked to wait ­ 
  • If you are part of one of the early entry groups, and cannot make in the allocated time, you may enter at any time the gates are open after 10.30am.

o Please note that entry gates will shut for lunch between 12.00pm & 1.00pm and close at 3.00pm sharp for the day.

 o Most sites are within about 200-300m of the main pavilion, so no one will be that far away from anything.

 o Should you notice the odd vehicle entering the site around 8.00am, please be aware that these are our lovely extra volunteers who will assist in the parking of vehicles. The gates will not open for entry before 8.30am for the first appropriate allocated group as listed above.

For those arriving on Wednesday 6 October 
 You will need to arrive between 7.30am - 8.45am. As most volunteer helpers will be involved with getting the AGM underway, you will be temporarily parked until the conclusion of the AGM. Then, please approach me at the front of the meeting and I will arrange for you to be shown to a site for the remainder of your duration.

For those attending as day visitors for the AGM on Wednesday 6 October:

 o You will need to arrive between 7.30am - 8.45am. You will be met at the gate and directed where to park. Please follow the above route directions for entry via University Drive.

 o Please remember to bring your CMCA membership card (preferably the physical card). If you do not have your physical card, please access your digital one via the CMCA Connect app. National Headquarters can assist you with accessing your digital card.

 o Please remember to bring your own chair for the AGM please, as well as a plate, cutlery, and coffee cup for the provided lunch.

 o The AGM registration desk at the Main Pavilion will be open from 8.00am (till 9.00am when the AGM is due to commence).

 Any questions regarding the above, please contact me via phone on 0457 235 081 between 9.00am – 5.00pm. Contact outside of these hours should be strictly for emergency purposes only.

 See you soon!

Kind Regards,

 Kim Templeton (née Atkinson)
 Chairman, CMCA (aka your friendly AGM camping coordinator)

Page Last Updated: Friday, 1 October 2021 12:00 AM, Session:

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