CMCA - Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia
CMCA Members' Portal

CEO Weekly Message

Well, hasn’t that week flown by? They seem to go quickly when you’re following a stay at home order. Let’s have a look at what’s coming up for members in the next few weeks.

At 12 noon today, voting for the Board of Directors Election closed. We have been advised by the Returning Officer that the candidate who will join the Board of Directors at the completion of this year's AGM is Nelson Crawshaw. Congratulations.  

Ken Tame and Associates released another newsletter during the week. Their newsletters contain a wealth of information, especially regarding the changes happening within KTA under the new ownership. One aspect that may interest members is the ability to take up lay up insurance; however, please contact them directly for further information.

The stay at home orders for some parts of regional Victoria and NSW has been released, however border restrictions remain in place (if you are travelling within those areas, please do it safely).

Finally, we will be holding the Club’s 21st Annual General Meeting in Bundaberg, Qld on Wednesday 6 October 2021. If available to attend, we invite as many members as possible to join us to ensure we meet our quorum requirements as per our Constitution. For further details, view our website or contact the office during business hours.

Stay safe


Page Last Updated: Friday, 10 September 2021 12:00 AM, Session:

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